
The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 24th February via Zoom. The dial in details (below) will be active from 7.00 pm to allow members to socialise (virtually) ahead of the business meeting starting at 7.30 pm. This is the most important meeting of the year in terms of the Club’s management and organisation, because:

• It is an opportunity to hear from the Chair, Treasurer and Team Captains about the Club’s performance, activities and finances.
• It is a chance to ask questions or make suggestions about any aspect of Club organisation and management.
• The Officers and other members of the Management Committee, who manage the Club on your behalf, are elected by those members who attend the AGM. In this regard, there are a number of vacancies:
o Kim is not seeking re-election as Men’s Cross Country Captain. Sam J has been shadowing Kim and is happy to take on the role. The role description is attached for information. Kim is happy to continue as a member of the Management Committee.
o Jackie B is not seeking re-election as Ladies’ Road Running Captain. Anna H is happy to take on the role. The role description is attached for information.
o Trudy is not seeking re-election as Ladies’ Cross Country Captain. Expressions of interest in the role are invited. The role description is attached for information.
o Barry is not seeking re-election as a Committee Member. Expressions of interest are invited.
o All other Officers (Chair – Dave L, Vice Chair – Brian, Hon Secretary & Treasurer – Steve W, Men’s Road Running Captain – Tom M) and Committee Members (Alison, Lee, Liz, Richard and Terry) are happy to continue in their roles during 2022. However, that does not preclude other members from seeking nomination if they wish.
• Anyone interested in the above roles is invited to contact Dave L for an informal chat in the first instance.
• In the interests of succession planning, we would welcome expressions of interest in future committee membership, team captaincy or any other role as “shadowing/deputy” opportunities are available. Please contact Dave L if interested.