Colin joined the club in the late 80s after taking up running in a bid to regain fitness, having previously played football and tennis. Lacking natural talent (and being a long-term smoker), he found it hard at first, but persisted and eventually became a very respectable mid-pack runner. The running bug obviously bit him hard because he became a regular at club nights over two decades, raced regularly, and completed his final race, The Joy Cann 5 (a particular favourite) in 2014, at the age of 77. He served with distinction as club treasurer for many years and was at the forefront whenever we organised a road race. Both I and Dave Swan, my predecessor as Chair, relied on Colin’s advice and greatly valued his friendship. Circulatory problems meant that Colin had several operations on his leg, but each time he battled back, and our post-training catch up in the Cow & Plough (over a pint of London Pride (Colin) and a lemonade (me)) was always a highlight of the week.
Colin was voted Athlete of the Year in 1992, was made a Life Member in 2007 and received a Services award in 2008 (pictured above with former Chair Dave Swan).
Dave Lodwick