I am so sorry to pass on the news that Barbara Hermann died suddenly, just before Christmas. Barbara was a key member of the club over several years, including a spell as a committee member, before moving away for work. She was fluent in multiple languages and multitalented, but always modest and unassuming. As someone who loved the outdoor life, it was no surprise that Barbara graduated from local league races to ultras. It wasn’t an easy transition and she had to contend with stubborn injuries, but with trademark determination, she worked with a personal trainer to fix her form and build resilience. She completed a staggering 16 10k laps at Equinox and went on to complete multiple Hardmoors 55 and 60 mile events and a handful of other ultras, including Race to the Stones and The Wall. It was typical of Barbara that when people described her Equinox as a 100 mile ultra, she was quick to demur, pointing out that the laps were fractionally short of 10k, so she had only done 99 miles. Barbara had a wicked sense of humour and loved to wind up her friends; often, the only way you’d know you were being played was when you spotted that tell-tale twinkle in her eye.